

I've been a photo enthusiast from an early age. Though I pursued a career in medicine, my passion for taking pictures has never waned. Photography has always been an escape from daily life, a portal to allow me to see the world from a different perspective.

My photographs attempt to see the world, and things in it, from this alternate perspective. Everything around us, even things we see as mundane and expected, have an interesting quality if displayed from a different vantage point. My goal is to find this uniqueness in the world around us, chronicling it in the images I take.

My main interest has always been the natural world. From wildlife to landscapes, I spend most of my time outdoors. However, I also seek interest in things man-made, as beauty exists there as well.  

Pictures, like people, are greater than what you see on the outside. The beauty of a picture is enhanced by the story behind it. Since all of my images have a story attached to them, I would love to tell you more about any that capture your interest.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments about any photo you see that interests you. Enjoy!



Ken Wolfe Photography

       T:  610-420-7203 

        E:  kenwolfephoto@gmail.com

I enjoyed your collection. Loved the landscape pictures!
Winston here from Iowa. I just wanted to see if you would like any extra targeted traffic or web help in any capacity, no matter what it takes from my end. I've been doing this for over 22 years and love it - social, bulk email campaings using my addresses I have (over 400 million), programming, etc. I even have ways to make interactive emails / web landing pages/ areas on your own site. It's really amazing as no one else is doing it. No cost on my end for 90% of this except for my time starting at 99 a month. I have quite a few ways I can set all of this up and do this for you at no cost to you except my time. I don't mean to impose, I was just curious.

So if you need any extra buying traffic please let me know as I have a LOT of ways we can get targeted traffic to your site whether we reach 5,000 people or the entire country, it's the same price with me starting at 99 a month. Let me know either way as I value your time as well and don't want to pester you.

All the best,


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